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It is exactly what I requested. It comes with a protective film to keep it clean and scratch-free until you need it. Can't wait to use it!
Rated 5 out of 5
Billie DeBra verified owner–
To the seller. I would recommend for the acrylic stand feet to perhaps do something more sturdy. I was picking this thing up and putting it back on it's stand because the little acrylic feet just aren't a good stand. I would have purchase the wood ones had I'd known.
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Kionna Williamson verified owner –
Beautiful 🙂 Everything came as pictured.
jlfdcrespo verified owner –
It is exactly what I requested. It comes with a protective film to keep it clean and scratch-free until you need it. Can't wait to use it!
Billie DeBra verified owner –
To the seller. I would recommend for the acrylic stand feet to perhaps do something more sturdy. I was picking this thing up and putting it back on it's stand because the little acrylic feet just aren't a good stand. I would have purchase the wood ones had I'd known.